林书豪的Instagram和Twitter齐开火 怒怼美国政客并捐款中国

2020-03-12 18:13:46 分享到:


疫情无情,人有情,林书豪就是这样一个有情有义的人。昨天上午,林书豪在Twitter上转发推文并直接怼了美国加利福尼亚州共和党领袖议员Calvin McCarthy。起因是3月10号McCarthy在推特上说“所有你想知道的关于‘中国新冠’的信息都可在这找到”并付了一条链接。


林书豪直接转推(Twitter handle:@JLin7),并且怼他:“特殊时期我们要的是能领到人们的领袖给大家提供有用的信息而不是说那些没用的分裂的废话。你这种种族主义的说法真让人失望“




Over the past few weeks, I’ve been monitoring coronavirus and the darkness it’s casted over the world. News headlines of racism, xenophobia, attacks on Asians and decaying trust towards people. All heartbreaking and the opposite of God's kingdom. But for every fear-inducing headline, I see hope. I see doctors and nurses fighting the front lines in China, Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy and more. I see people helping people in countries regardless of race or background.


Talk less out of hate, more out of empathy. Lets talk about the man who made 16,000 meals for frontline workers. Lets appreciate the doctor who postponed his wedding and then tragically lost his life fighting the virus. He's a hero.Lets be inspired and demand justice for Meera Solanki who defended her Asian friend against an aggressive man in Birmingham only to be knocked unconscious. Lets follow suit and take action like Inner Mongolia who sent 2500 tons of potatoes to Wuhan.


There are many examples of racism but also countless examples of hope - May Lee and her podcast, the Guardian Angels group, companies donating masks, all the bold frontline workers and more. Dont criticize unless youre willing to be a part of the solution.


With my bball foundation in China, we’ve donated 1 million RMB to get medical equipment to Wuhan. I’ll also be donating an additional $150,000 towards fighting this virus. Let's all do our part to quarantine, wash our hands vigorously, wear a protective mask to avoid germs spreading and do our part to share facts and preventative measures. Stay together, fight on!


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good -- Romans 12:9







很多中国网友微博上说,林书豪是“中国好男儿”,不愧是中国的好小伙儿。这些正面的评论固然很好,但其实林书豪是一个完完全全的ABC(American bored Chinese),打小美国长大,身边都是美国人,虽然是华裔,其实自己就是个美国人。当然了,这几年在国内也有参加一些综艺、安排一些工作,交了很多朋友,对中国有一些了解,当然也有很多感情。








林书豪的Instagram和Twitter齐开火 怒怼美国政客并捐款中国

2020-03-12 18:13:46


疫情无情,人有情,林书豪就是这样一个有情有义的人。昨天上午,林书豪在Twitter上转发推文并直接怼了美国加利福尼亚州共和党领袖议员Calvin McCarthy。起因是3月10号McCarthy在推特上说“所有你想知道的关于‘中国新冠’的信息都可在这找到”并付了一条链接。


林书豪直接转推(Twitter handle:@JLin7),并且怼他:“特殊时期我们要的是能领到人们的领袖给大家提供有用的信息而不是说那些没用的分裂的废话。你这种种族主义的说法真让人失望“




Over the past few weeks, I’ve been monitoring coronavirus and the darkness it’s casted over the world. News headlines of racism, xenophobia, attacks on Asians and decaying trust towards people. All heartbreaking and the opposite of God's kingdom. But for every fear-inducing headline, I see hope. I see doctors and nurses fighting the front lines in China, Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy and more. I see people helping people in countries regardless of race or background.


Talk less out of hate, more out of empathy. Lets talk about the man who made 16,000 meals for frontline workers. Lets appreciate the doctor who postponed his wedding and then tragically lost his life fighting the virus. He's a hero.Lets be inspired and demand justice for Meera Solanki who defended her Asian friend against an aggressive man in Birmingham only to be knocked unconscious. Lets follow suit and take action like Inner Mongolia who sent 2500 tons of potatoes to Wuhan.


There are many examples of racism but also countless examples of hope - May Lee and her podcast, the Guardian Angels group, companies donating masks, all the bold frontline workers and more. Dont criticize unless youre willing to be a part of the solution.


With my bball foundation in China, we’ve donated 1 million RMB to get medical equipment to Wuhan. I’ll also be donating an additional $150,000 towards fighting this virus. Let's all do our part to quarantine, wash our hands vigorously, wear a protective mask to avoid germs spreading and do our part to share facts and preventative measures. Stay together, fight on!


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good -- Romans 12:9







很多中国网友微博上说,林书豪是“中国好男儿”,不愧是中国的好小伙儿。这些正面的评论固然很好,但其实林书豪是一个完完全全的ABC(American bored Chinese),打小美国长大,身边都是美国人,虽然是华裔,其实自己就是个美国人。当然了,这几年在国内也有参加一些综艺、安排一些工作,交了很多朋友,对中国有一些了解,当然也有很多感情。







